Memories | Festivals celebrated at The Green Pocket
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We believe that children will remember an important day or celebration only if they are told what the occasion signifies. At The Green Pocket our inclusivity extends to celebrating all our major Indian and few world festivals as we have a diverse bunch of children from all backgrounds and faiths.
As they are small and age between just a year and a half to four years of age we believe that celebrating the festival in a fun way will make a bigger impression. Apart from doing an activity related to the festival it is also celebrated so that the children learn the variety of festivals and cultures of India and the World.
Each festival celebration is a reflection of our cultural heritage .
Holi pichkaris with colours and water , all oganice to Deepavali with hand make diyas and sparklers.Cleaning their little cycles and toys for the puja done during Dussehra to singing carols as they await a visit from Santa on Christmas day .
Halloween, Raksha Bhandan, Ganesh Chaturati, Christmas,Eid , Janmaashmi, Dussera, Pongal, too are celebrated with joyous hearts where children learn about diversity and culture in a safe and curated space.
Kids get to dress up accordingly, get to eat a food item associated with the festival, take home a craft and make memories for a lifetime.