Memories | Little Chefs
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"The Road Kill - Food truck" has been associated with TGP for the Summer Camps and other fun initiatives. We were given the freedom to express our love for food and cooking with the kids. TGP's Summer camps was a fun way for us to create a hands on experience for the young chefs to give them a sneek-peek into the exiting world of Cooking and raise awareness on how to work inside a kitchen! The kids got to experiment and try new ways and techniques of cooking inside the food truck and take back their preparations to proud parents back home.
TGP has always promoted alternate fun ways to Teach & learn for kids and this was definitely an interesting way to engage and bring curiosity among children and doing so in the most fun way possible.
They say, " creativity is contagious, pass it on" . TGP has definitely passed on this creative bug to us and to all those they associate with, giving us the opportunity to be different, unconventional and innovative.
Written by Kerina & Varun