Memories | Wall Painting
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Creativity is a must with children through their growing years. The kids learn to interact and get creative with various mediums like sand, water, glue, paint,etc. in a supervised environment. Playing with mud, holding crayons, practicing free colouring and writing on board helps in motor development of the children. Both fine motor & gross motor development takes place by these various activities done by our little children ,guided by a teacher or facilitator.
One such Activity albeit a little messy is wall painting where our babies get the freedom to paint on a wall,guided by our talented friend Nidhi and at times by our own staff of the school too. It starts with shapes and then one layer on the other and painted clothes, hands and faces. After an hour plus of fun and painting,Nidhi or an adult adds the final touches and we get a wall that is a beauty to behold.
Our children have painted the stage area, the rabbits hutch, their own doll house, the Nursery class room and the main school wall too!! They take pride in their work and are so excited to show it to their parents. We keep wall painting as an activity for our preschool and nursery kids as well as offer it as an experience to children during our Summer camp. It has added so much colour , variety and liveliness to The Green Pocket with the variety of styles that the walls have been painted with!
About Nidhi
I am an independent artist and painter from Bangalore. My art is almost always an expression of my love of nature and the environment. I also try as much as possible to practice conscious living and a sustainable lifestyle. I love working with children because of their endless energy, Honesty, Creativity, Flexibility, Empathy and Resilience especially when discussing and creating art on nature and the environment.
Working with the children at The Green Pocket, on their walls at school is always a pleasure! Under my dear friend Anahitas guidance and care, the kids there are so free and uninhibited when it comes to expressing themselves through art.