Memories | WZCC's commitment to Health and happiness
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WZCC’s commitment to Health & Happiness - Bangalore Chapter Event held on Saturday, April 29th 2017 from 10.30 am to 2.00 pm. Held on the grounds of The Green Pocket nursery school owned by our Committee Member, Anahita Batha.
The event was organised by the Committee to give its members an insight into Fitness for everyday living. We invited five professionals who held an interactive session with our members and their guests through a very informative and enjoyable afternoon.
1. Godrej Rustumji - Safety and Self Defence
Godrej is a WZCC member of the Bangalore Chapter and is an International Close
Protection Officer catering to foreign national protection in India. He is also a firearm instructor.
Godrej held the audience’s attention with some verbal pointers on how to be alert and observe
one’s surroundings along with exciting self defence manoeuvres with volunteers from the
audience. We saw quite a demand for more such sessions in the future.

2. Dr. Prathap - Chiropractor
Dr. Prathap is one of 10 practicing chiropractors in all of India and has his own wellness
centre in Indiranagar. Originally from Canada, Dr. Prathap completed his doctorate in new York
and strongly believes that prevention is the best cure for any health related issues.
Many in the audience were not aware of what and how a Chiropractor works, so the talk by Dr.
Prathap was enlightening to many. He brought along “Alfred”, his partner in crime (!) - a skeletal
spine, to explain the physiology angle of his work. He demonstrated a few exercises that all of us
could do on a daily basis to reduce the stress of long hours at a desk. His light humour entertained
the audience through the 20 minutes he was on the dais.
3. Siddharth & Shaila - Fitness Trainer & Zumba Instructor
Siddharth comes from an IT background but decided to switch careers because he wanted to help people live a healthier lifestyle. He is a Crossfit Level 2 coach and a personal trainer who also helps in rehabilitation workouts for sports injuries. Shaila is a Zumba instructor and full of life and vitality.
Siddharth took the audience through the necessities of working out and remaining fit, showing the
audience what can be done even if one does not have the facilities of a gym.
Shaila took us through a fun Zumba workout which got everyone ready for eats.

4. Farzin Sholapurwala - Certified Yoga Therapist and Trainer
Farzin is a Life Member of the WZCC and has been practicing yoga for the last 15 years. She had founded her own yoga centre and taught over 7100 students till date. She took the audience through some breathing techniques for glowing skin, the benefits of yoga and then practiced the Suryanamaskar along with members of the audience who were keen to know the correct way of performing it.
5. Red Fork had arranged the snacks a Millet Salad and a Pasta Salad, two kinds of
sandwiches and baked yogurt with granola. Everyone enjoyed it thoroughly and Chef Xerxes
spent time explaining how one should eat a balanced meals, avoid yo-yo diets and how millets are
the new in-ingredient and can be used in many ways.
Despite the small numbers it was a successful event.
Written by Zarine Kharas